Walio Nilea Miaka Mingi(bongo) - Hommerin Share: Download MP3 More song by HOMMERIN Church Choir-then Sings My Soul -how Great Thou Art- 3:54 Gospel-atatunyakua Wale Wake 5:19 Kudumu Ni Papa Hapa -bongo 4:25 Hymns It Is Well When Peace Like A River Gospel Praise And Worship 5:35 Worship-ngugocitha -kikuyu 4:51 Worship-asema Afunguliwe 7:27 Gospel-yupo Nami Nani Wa Kupinga 5:06 Gospel Music- Kuabudu 7:15 Piano Meditation Gospel Beat Instrumental 2:49 Wa Ajabu-worship 5:54 Worship Instrumental Gospel Hymns Beat 3:00 Walka-talka-instrumental Beat 4:36 Church Piano Instrumental 80:36 Jesus Is My Song Of Grace -baptist Church Choir 4:08 Gospel- Nguvu Mamlaka 5:49 Worship Instrumental Music Deep Meditating Hymn 3:30 Piano Gospel Instrumental-his Promises 1:40 Gospel Guitar And Piano Worship Songs Full Album -acoustic 50:08 Old Hymn Gospel Worship 3:05 Gospel Classic-guitar Instrumental Beat 2:38