When A Child Is Born - The One World Ensemble Share: Download MP3 More song by The One World Ensemble Jamaica, Land We Love (the Jamaican National Anthem - Jamaica) 0:53 Bad Boys (main Theme From "cops") 1:05 L'abidjanaise (la Côte D'ivoire National Anthem) 1:00 Arise, O Compatriots (nigeria: The Nigerian National Anthem) 0:58 God Bless Our Homeland Ghana (the Ghana National Anthem) 0:41 Phleng Chat Thai (the Thai National Anthem - Thailand) 0:47 Jamaica, Land We Love (the Jamaican National Anthem) 0:53 Jerusalem 2:55 Pomp And Circumstance No. 1 - Land Of Hope And Glory 2:33 Himno Nacional De Honduras (el Himno Nacional De Honduras) 1:01 Rule Britannia 0:49 Flower Of Scotland (the Scottish National Anthem - Scotland) 1:11 Land Of My Fathers (the Welsh National Anthem - Wales) 1:15 Trumpet Voluntary 2:16 God Save The Queen (the British National Anthem - Great Britain) 0:54 Amazing Grace 3:16 Greensleeves 2:24 English Country Garden 2:16 Bring Me Sunshine 1:57 Pack Up Your Troubles (in Your Old Kit Bag) 2:40