Simudzai Mureza Wedu Wezimbabwe / Kalibusiswe Ilizwe Lezimbabawe (the Zimbabwean National Anthem - Zimbabwe) - The One World Ensemble Share: Download MP3 More song by The One World Ensemble God Bless Our Homeland Ghana (the Ghana National Anthem) 0:41 Oh Uganda, Land Of Beauty (the Ugandan National Anthem - Uganda) 0:31 Nkosi Sikelel' Iafrika (the South African National Anthem - South Africa) 0:46 Jamaica, Land We Love (the Jamaican National Anthem - Jamaica) 0:53 Oh Uganda, Land Of Beauty (the Ugandan National Anthem) 0:31 Arise, O Compatriots (nigeria: The Nigerian National Anthem) 0:58 One Moment In Time 4:42 Aegukga (the South Korean National Anthem - South Korea) 1:00 Jamaica, Land We Love (the Jamaican National Anthem - Jamaica) 0:53 Jamaica, Land We Love (the Jamaican Football / Soccer Anthem - Jamaica) 0:53 Sri Lanka Matha (the Sri Lankan National Anthem - Sri Lanka) 0:26 God Save The Queen (great Britain: The British National Anthem) 0:54 Indonesia Raya (great Indonesia) (the Indonesian Football / Soccer Anthem - Indonesia) 0:44 Deutschlandlied (the German National Anthem - Germany) 1:02 The Star-spangled Banner (usa: The American National Anthem) 1:20 National Anthem Of Saudi Arabia (the Saudi Arabian National Anthem) 0:48 Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu (the Kenyan National Anthem - Kenya) 0:43 La Marseillaise (the French Football / Soccer Anthem - France) 1:02 Himno Nacional De Chile / Cancion Nacional (the Chilean National Anthem - Chile) 0:51